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Golden Thread

The Golden Thread (GT) is a software system that shares outcomes and client progress data points between participating programs that have worked with the same client (as released by client Release of Information (ROI). It allows providers to see a more complete record of client change and outcomes. It also prevent clients and families from the requirement of completing redundant surveys when they transfer from one participating program to another. Participation in the Golden thread requires signing up and using the appropriate release of information. It does not cost the program anything to belong to the Golden Thread.

If you have questions about RDP or the Golden Thread please email

Nuts and Bolts of the Golden Thread

Golden Thread White Paper

Golden Thread FAQ

-What if we used a program or an educational consultant that was not listed on the Release of Information Form?

Providers and Consultants are the choice to opt-in to the Golden Thread. Feel free to contact those who would like to join the thread and have them contact the Research Committee:

-How do parents and clients access the results?

Parents and clients will not have direct access to the results unless the provider takes a screen shot and sends it to them. There is no parent access to the GT. It is strictly for clinical use.

-Once I sign the Release of Information form do I need to complete a new one when I attend another participating program.

Yes. A new ROI will be given at each new participating program at which time the parent or adult client clicks those programs with whom they want to share data. The most recent ROI trumps all prior ROI's.

-Why are educational consultants on the form?

Educational consultants play a key role in increasing the scientific value of the data set by collecting pre-treatment data. They will also collect data about clients that inquired about treatment options but did not ultimately place. This data set will function as a quasi-control group. Educational consultant's will also encourage more programs to use the thread.

-Is there a separate form for 18 year olds?

No, the form reads that it's a parent approving an adolescent client or an adult client approving themselves.

-As a parent, why would I want this?

Sometimes you or your child will be asked to complete the same surveys in close proximity. When this occurs the Golden Thread detects the redundancy and only assigns the needed surveys without losing data.

Therapists and others on the treatment team will see all of the progress data collected from any provider on the thread. This full view can aid in treatment planning including creation of the master treatment plan and identifying client progress patterns. The Thread will aid programs in collection of post-discharge data.

-Will my child's personally identifiable information be shared?

The type and amount of information to used or disclosed is as follows:

Data of admission, data of discharge, name and type of the facility where surveys were completed.

Data derived from the following multiple choice surveys:

Youth Outcome Questionnaire Self Report (YOQ 2.o SR) for adolescent clients
Youth Outcome Questionnaire 2.01 Parent Report (YOQ 2.01)
Outcome Questionnaire 45.2 for adult client (OQ 45.2)
Family Assessment Device General Functioning Scale (FAD-GF)

Surveys do not include diagnostic information of therapy notes. Scores are strictly numeric. The measures are designed to record client mental health status through answering questions such as:

I'm hopeful and positive

Almost Never/Rarely/Sometimes/Never/Always or Almost Always

I have more fears than others my same age

Almost Never/Rarely/Sometimes/Never/Always or Almost Always