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NATSAP's Legislative Agenda

These agendas reflect NATSAP's dedication to ensuring the highest standards of safety and care in therapeutic treatment programs, advocating for regulatory changes, supporting research, and promoting professional standards in the industry. By pursuing these goals, we aim to enhance the well-being of individuals in need of therapeutic care and the professionals who serve them.

Federal Legislation Regarding Residential Treatment Centers

  • Advocate for the adoption of comprehensive legislation and collaborate with lawmakers, experts, and stakeholders to gain a sponsor for bill introduction.
    • NATSAP's drafted legislation language outlines baseline safety standards in therapeutic treatment programs. It aims to eliminate abuse in programs, defining standards in areas like safety measures, staff training, medication administration protocols, staff-to-child ratios, parental consent for care, and more, and ensure individuals seeking therapeutic care are treated with dignity and respect.
  • Support and advocate for the “Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act”.
    • This bill seeks to combat child abuse in institutional settings by establishing a Federal Work Group on Youth Residential Programs to enhance best practices, data collection, and safety measures.
  • Partner with state-based advocacy organizations and licensing departments to promote positive changes in the therapeutic care industry.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Mental Health

  • Support and advocate for the “Improving Access to Mental Health Act of 2023”.
    • This bill seeks to enhance access to mental health services by expanding resources, improving coverage, and increasing funding for mental health programs and initiatives.
  • Support and advocate for the "Mental Health Workforce and Language Access Act”.
    • This bill grants funds to eligible health centers, prioritizing hiring professionals proficient in languages beyond English. This aims to bridge language barriers for diverse communities seeking mental health care, aligning with DEI principles by reducing access barriers for individuals from different linguistic backgrounds.
  • Support and advocate for the "Mental Health Professionals Workforce Shortage Loan Repayment Act”.
    • This bill aims to improve access to mental health services for marginalized communities by proposing a program to alleviate mental health workforce shortages that offers repayments to professionals who commit to working in shortage areas. Addressing workforce shortages in underserved areas strives to provide better mental health services to diverse populations facing mental health care access barriers.

NASW Interstate Licensure Compact

  • Conduct legislative research informing the development of guidelines and recommendations for therapeutic and education professionals working in therapeutic treatment programs.
  • Advocate for the creation and adoption of an interstate licensure compact for professionals in therapeutic treatment programs, in partnership with the National Association of Social Workers (NASW).
  • Advocate for state legislatures to pass the compact legislation, allowing for licensure reciprocity.

Scope of Practice

  • Conduct legislative research informing the development of guidelines and recommendations for therapeutic and education professionals working in therapeutic treatment programs.

Current Bill Tracking

State Legislative Information and Statistics

These pages provide comprehensive details about the legislative session for 2024 each state. It includes the session dates, party breakdowns in the House of Representatives and State Senate, bill progress, types of bills introduced, passed bills and resolutions, and the sponsorship and enactment of legislation by party. Additionally, it offers links for further exploration into the each state Legislature, its members, committees, bills, regulations, and finding legislators. It's a hub of information detailing the legislative process and key statistics for the ongoing session.

Invite Your Legislator to Your Program!

Do you consider your program to be a great example of high-quality, ethical, and evidence-based residential/wilderness treatment? Are you looking for ways to shed light on these types of programs with legislators?

NATSAP has a solution- “Invite Your Legislator To Work Day”!

NATSAP can point you in the direction of your legislators, both federal and state. But who should be the one to contact them??- That should be you!

Most offices want to hear from the constituent voice (you!) rather than the national trade association (us). Legislators are MUCH more likely to visit your program if you invite them directly as their constituents. And who better to explain and advocate for your program than you?

Here's what NATSAP can do (and has already done)!

If you have any further questions on how to get in touch with your representatives or NATSAP’s other government relations/advocacy efforts, please feel free to email Maddy Schoap, Public Affairs Director at or Alec Stone, Executive Director at