The JOURNAL OF THERAPEUTIC SCHOOLS AND PROGRAMS (JTSP) is published by the National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs and publishes articles that assist readers in providing comprehensive care for adolescents, young adults, and families receiving services from residential and wilderness/outdoor behavioral healthcare treatment programs.
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About JTSP
A National Association of Therapeutic Schools & Programs publication.
Focus:Â residential and wilderness treatment for teens & young adults.
E-ISSN:Â 2469-3030
Publisher:Â National Association of Therapeutic Schools & Programs
16701 Melford Blvd, Suite 400, MD 20715
Phone:Â 301.986.8770
Contact by email
Ellen Behrens, Ph.D. Program Chair, Associate Professor, LCMHC, LP Master of Science, Mental Health Counseling Westminster College Salt Lake City, UT ebehrens@westminstercollege.edu
Neal Christensen, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist Clinical Director of Elements Wilderness Salt Lake City, UT neal@elementswilderness.com
Ali Kelleher, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT
Gin Andersen, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT
Caprice Bailey, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT
Bobbi Deal, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT Emily Jensen, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT
Sophie McDonald, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, UT 1 • JTSP Volume XIV
Associate Professor, LCMHC, LP Master of Science, Mental Health Counseling Westminster College Salt Lake City, UT
Joanna E. Bettmann, Ph.D. Professor College of Social Work University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT
Michael Gass, Ph.D. Professor University of New Hampshire School of Health & Human Services Durham, NH
Harold L. (Lee) Gillis, Ph.D. Chair & Professor Department of Psychology Georgia College & State University Milledgeville, GA
Christine Norton, Ph.D., LCSW Professor School of Social Work Texas State University San Marcos, TX
Sean Roberts, Ph.D. Clinical Director Cascade Crest Transitions Bend, OR
Keith C. Russell, Ph.D. Professor College of Humanities & Social Sciences Western Washington University Bellingham, WA
Anita R. Tucker, Ph.D., LCSW Professor Department of Social Work University of New Hampshire Durham, NH