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Ethical Principles

Members of the National Association of Therapeutic Schools and Programs (NATSAP) provide residential, therapeutic, and/or education services to children, adolescents, and young adults entrusted to them by parents and guardians. The common mission of NATSAP members is to promote the healthy growth, learning, motivation, and personal well-being of program participants. The objective of member therapeutic and educational programs is to provide excellent treatment for program participants; treatment that is rooted in good-hearted concern for their well-being and growth; respect for them as human beings; and sensitivity to their individual needs and integrity.

Therefore all NATSAP member programs aspire to:

  • Be conscious of, and responsive to, the dignity, welfare, and worth of their program participants.
  • Honestly and accurately represent ownership, competence, experience, and scope of activities related to their program, and to not exploit potential clients’ fears and vulnerabilities.
  • Respect the privacy, confidentiality, and autonomy of program participants within the context of their facilities and programs.
  • Be aware and respectful of cultural, familial, and societal backgrounds of their program participants.
  • Avoid dual or multiple relationships that may impair professional judgment, increase the risk of harm to program participants, or lead to exploitation.
  • Take reasonable steps to ensure a safe environment that addresses the emotional, spiritual, educational, and physical needs of their program participants.
  • Maintain high standards of competence in areas of their expertise and to be mindful of their limitations.
  • Value continuous professional development, research, and scholarship.
  • Place primary emphasis on the welfare of their program participants in the development and implementation of their business practices.
  • Manage their finances to ensure that there are adequate resources to accomplish their mission.
  • Fully disclose to prospective candidates the nature of services, benefits, risks and costs.
  • Provide informed, professional referrals when appropriate or if we are unable to continue service.
  • NATSAP members agree to not facilitate or practice reparative therapy.

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