NATSAP strives to keep all members aware of the events and accomplishments occurring among our member programs. If you are interested in providing an article for the next edition of We Are NATSAP, please contact Michelle Winters (michelle@natsap.org).
Please be sure to follow all instructions listed below under "Submission Guidelines".
Plug in the dates for upcoming releases and deadlines of our We Are NATSAP newsletter.
Submission deadline:Â Â March 1, 2024
Release: Â Â March 8, 2024
Submission deadline:Â May 24, 2024
Release: Â May 31, 2024
Submission deadline:Â September 6, 2024
Release: Â September 13, 2024
Submission deadline:Â December 6, 2024
Release: Â December 13, 2024
For questions, contact Michelle Winters at michelle@natsap.org or 301.986.8770.
Rights and Permission
It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission for the use of any copyrighted material, including images, sound, and video files. It is preferable to place images directly in the text but, when permission is unobtainable, it is acceptable to include a link to the image directly in the text.
**Any images provided may be reused in other NATSAP publications (directory cover, newsletters, etc.)
Acceptable File Types
Please submit texts in MS Word, Rich Text Format (RTF), or WordPerfect. If submitting from a Macintosh computer, please include the three-letter file extension in the file name of your article. PDF files are not acceptable.
Images should be in .jpg or .tif format.
Naming files: File names should not contain spaces. They may contain letters, numbers, hyphens (-) and underscores (_). No other punctuation is allowed. Files must have the three-letter file extension identifying the file type (i.e. .rtf, .wpd, .doc), whether submitted from a Windows or Macintosh computer.
Examples of unacceptable file names: Aesthetics/Form.doc (uses slash) Article #2.rtf (uses # sign)
Article.Aesthetics.wpd (uses period or point)
Aesthetics and Art (has no file extension)
AppleWorks, Lotus, or other word processor documents must be saved in one of the above formats.
Submitting an Article
Please note that emailed submissions are no longer acceptable. Members MUST submit their article using the new submission form.
Any program/school wishing to submit an article for this newsletter MUST be a current NATSAP member program/school in good standing.
An appropriate article should be around 450 words and about the NATSAP program. We cannot accept job announcements, articles about programs who are not NATSAP members and advertisements.
Once you are ready to submit your article to us, please do so using our new submission form. There is no charge for submitting an article for review or publication.